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Winter Field Day 2025 Follow-up Report

On January 25th & 26th, 2025, local ham radio clubs participated in the annual Winter Field Day event in Clearwater, Florida. The day started out as planned with people gathering at 8:00 AM–some even earlier–at the Clearwater Fire Training Center for Winter Field Day 2025. This was a joint effort between the Clearwater Amateur Radio Society, the St. Petersburg Amateur Radio Club and the Upper Pinellas Amateur Radio Club. This was the first time SPARC had been back in a few years for Winter Field Day and given the number of members from different clubs, it was great to have everyone back together again.

Due to the forecasted weather being a bit too chilly overnight (yes, I know, it’s … Read the rest

Winter Field Day 2025 Announcement

Sign up by clicking here!

Do you like operating in the field but hate dripping in sweat while setting up antennas? Does the idea of enduring another Field Day constantly fighting off every mosquito in Tampa Bay make you wish they held Field Day in January? Well, you’re in luck! Winter Field Day is an event very similar to the June ARRL Field Day except—you guessed it—it’s held in Winter. Specifically January 25 & 26, 2025. This is a joint operation with both the Clearwater Amateur Radio Society (CARS) and the St. Petersburg Amateur Radio Club (SPARC). The event will be held at the Clearwater Fire Training Facility on Belcher Road south of Sunset Point Road in Clearwater. Prior efforts … Read the rest

New 2025 Officers Elected and Bylaws Changed

At the UPARC annual meeting held at NY4I’s QTH on Saturday November 2, the new slate of officers/directors for 2025 was elected:

  • President – Ryan Rager AF4O
  • Vice President – Alan Streitman W4UB
  • Secretary – Fred Botero W2SUB
  • Treasurer – Ron Appel W4RFA
  • Member at Large – Jason Esterline N4BOZ

Having a quorum of 41 members (either in person or by proxy), with the 2/3 majority needed to amend, all six proposed bylaw changes were adopted.

Below are a few pictures of the event. Just UPARC members and guests enjoying each other’s company…

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Club Annual Meeting and Picnic 2024

Our UPARC annual meeting and picnic is on Saturday November 2, 2024 at Tom Schaefer NY4I’s QTH at 2836 Meadow Hill Dr North in Clearwater. Note this was previously John Chesnut Sr Park in East Lake but due to hurricane damage, the county canceled our reservation as the shelters are damaged. Note there will NOT be a fox hunt.

We start at 10:00 AM with the annual business meeting to take place at 11:00 AM. At the business meeting, we will cast a vote for the slate of officers. We will also vote on proposed bylaw changes.


If you cannot attend the business meeting, please request a proxy ballot … Read the rest

Proposed Bylaw Changes October 2024

Please review the proposed bylaw changes to be voted on at our annual meeting on November 2nd, 2024. Read more about it either on Slack or on the linked page.

We need at least 30 members present at the meeting for a quorum so please review that page as well for proxy info.… Read the rest

President’s Award – October 2024

The latest recipient of the President’s Award is Rob Bird, WD4IFT. Rob is a constant presence at the Get-on-the-Air (GOTA) team events as well as most club activities. UPARC greatly appreciates that Rob is always willing to help out others. He is a valuable member of the club and well-deserving of this recognition. Congratulations to Rob.

Rob WD4IFT receiving the President's AwardRead the rest

Why We Ask Club Members if you are an ARRL Member?

As you may know, UPARC is an ARRL-affiliated amateur radio club. This means we support the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and its mission to further the interests of Amateur Radio. UPARC was affiliated with the ARRL on August 10, 2012 shortly after our founding as a club.

So why you might be asking why we ask if you are an ARRL member? We ask to know if you are an ARRL member as ARRL-affiliated clubs are asked to maintain 51% of their voting members as current ARRL members. Hence you see on the sign-up sheet (and the club sign-up/renewal form) a question about your ARRL membership status. Please do indicate on the sign-up sheet if you are a member. … Read the rest

ARRL Field Day 2024 Report

CARS and UPARC have used the Clearwater Fire Training Center for both summer (ARRL) and winter field day for quite a few years now. This year was no different. Members and guests from both clubs set out on Saturday June 22, 2024 bright and early to setup temporary antennas and operating positions at the wonderful Clearwater Fire Training Center off of Belcher Road in Clearwater. A total of 50 people stopped by to setup, operate, enjoy lunch, socialize, and tear-down the site all commencing at 8:00 AM on Saturday morning.

As the clubs have operated from this site several times and know the ins and outs of the site, this year we “mixed it up” a bit by using only … Read the rest

ARRL Field Day 2024

Last Day to signup to guarantee food is Monday June 17th, 2024 at 11:59 PM EDT.

Sign-up link:

ARRL Field Day is a combined event to test our ability to setup radio communication under less than ideal conditions–think temporary antennas, generators and radio gear. Our event this year is a combined event with two clubs—the Clearwater Amateur Radio Society (CARS) and the Upper Pinellas Amateur Radio Club (UPARC). The date is Saturday, June 22nd starting at 2:00 PM until Sunday, June 23rd at 2:00 PM. Setup generally begins in earnest at 8:00 AM on Saturday morning. The location for all of this is the Clearwater Fire Department Fire Training Center at 1716 N. Belcher Road in Clearwater. Click hereRead the rest

UPARC in the Park Event – April 2024

On Saturday, April 20th members of UPARC met at Honeymoon Island to host our annual POTA (Parks on the Air) event. We had about 15 members and guests turn out and made over 80 contacts on SSB and FT-8. The team braved very heavy mosquito swarming early on to get setup and was on the air around 8:45 AM.The wind picked up a bit and blew away most of the bugs by 10:00. That and some very compassionate sharing of bug spray by those well prepared individuals helped us get to the task at hand.

This year, thanks to Tom NY4I, we were able to turn in logs which gave credits to both the club callsign W4AFC and each individual … Read the rest

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