Upper Pinellas Amateur Radio Club Incorporated
Meeting Minutes
July 3, 2022
- Call to order
Jack (N4KIN) welcomes meeting attendees to Fire Station 65
Tim Duffy (K3LR) presents a tour (Zoom) of his contest station
Board members attending:
Jack (N4KIN) (president), Alan (W4UB) (vice president), Jason (N4BOZ) (treasurer), Ron (W4RFA) (member at large), Dee (W4DCH) (secretary)
Robert (K1NLS), Mike (K4HN), Jason (K4FLM), Charlotte (KO4WNK/AG), Joshua (KO4VVX), Richard (KO4TSO), Ryan (KO4KGP), Fred (W2SUB), Olev (KO4WUB), Dean (N0OAC), Tim (W4OH), Morris (K7LSV)
Andrew (KQ4BXT), Dan (AB4LN), Tom (KK4GVD), Ruth (W2HUY), Ron (N6MSA)
Karen Isak
Sarah Siegrist (NOUKS)
Tim Duffy (K3LR) presents a Zoom tour of his contest station
Pledge of Allegiance led by Jack (N4KIN)
Silent key and former club officer Ken Martens (WK4KM) will be interred at Bay Pines Friday July 29th at 11 AM. A moment of silence was observed. A sign-up sheet will be available for the service and the celebration of life. Kevin Poorman (KV4CT) and Earl Whitehouse (KJ4WKJ) will also be added to the in-memoriam/silent key page.
No raffle today.
Club board is introduced by Jack (N4KIN) and introduction of attendees’ proceeds.
Treasurers Report presented by Jack (N4KIN):
Weekly UPARC Traders and Trivia Net activity:
Mike (K4HN) reports 4 successful candidates for today’s test session. 2 technicians, 1 General and an Extra.
Jack announced that the club has been invited to participate in a Scouting event. Joshua (KO4VVX) has requested assistance with HAM radio activities. The “Jamboree on the Air” is scheduled for October 15th and 16th.
Fred (W2SUB) explains the requirement for the “13 Colonies special event” certificate. Fred can be contacted for assistance getting ARRL awards.
Jack reminds the membership of the weekly net on the club repeater and the monthly breakfast. Net Controllers always welcome.
Chief Brewer has approved the installation of a wire antenna for the HF bands. This would support live training here at station 65. A team is proceeding with this project.
Presenters are always invited to participate in club meetings so please share. Assistance will be provided for communication related topics.
Field Day recap slides and pictures presented by Jack (K4HIN):
Preliminary score 2756
Total bonus points 1290
Highlights of the FD event were discussed. Karen is recognized for her efforts along with an assist from Ruth. Dean and Sara ran the grill. Round of applause was provided. Photo being submitted to ARRL. Dave Shuey (WA3VRE) provided an old-school CW station using a 100 year-old straight key.
Band-pass filters for club were designed and built by Dave Shuey (WA3VRE) a retired RF Engineer for the Harris Corporation.
Dan Gerson (KB4BOQ) has created a (3D printer) safety cap for the popular HP power supply built by Alan (W4UB).
Patch panel built by Ryan (KO4KGP) and Alan (W4UB) (replacing the SPARC unit) performed well during FD. Round of applause was received.
Hex Beam crew (Morris (K7LSV), Ruth (W2HUY), Terry) recognized for the set-up of Morris’s antenna.
FD Satellite station was successfully established by Tom (NY4I) , and contacts were made.
Sonny’s BBQ mentioned as a location for lunch following this meeting.
Meeting concluded by Jack (N4KIN) at 1123.
Minutes submitted by: Dee (W4DCH)
Next Meeting – August 6, 2022