After a long cold winter of no Field Day events, we are happy to announce that Field Day 2021 is on! As has been our mode for the last several events, we will be operating Field Day with a combined club effort with the Clearwater Amateur Radio Society and the St. Petersburg Amateur Radio Club. The event is on June 26 and 27th, 2021 at the Clearwater Fire Training Center (1716 N Belcher Rd., Clearwater, FL 33765). The operating starts at 2:00 PM local time and runs 24 hours through Sunday. Setup typically starts at 8:00 AM on Saturday morning.
In keeping with current CDC guidelines, people that are vaccinated are free to attend with no restrictions. We do suggest if you have not been vaccinated that you plan on a mask. (Note this is subject to any restrictions the Clearwater Fire Department may put upon us–more on that later).
We will operate 3 HF stations with CW, SSB and FT8 available. We also have 6 meters (SSB and FT8) and a satellite station. We will have more info shortly including a form where you can tell us if you will be staying for meals, operating, etc. Please plan on attending Field Day 2021 and welcome everyone back to the world of operating in-person!