SPARC, the St. Petersburg Amateur Radio Club held it’s first SPARCfest since the COVID shutdown at Freedom Lake Park in Pinellas Park, FL. There were lots of items to look at and SPARC was unloading a ton of equipment.

The author found a sentimental item that he picked up. Not especially practical in our county with digital and P25 but hey it works so for $10 why not.

Several members of UPARC attended the event.

Alan picked up a fiberglass lineman’s pushup pole for $30 from a guy who paid $20 less than 5 minutes earlier. We all wanted one but there were not enough to go around. Julie NF1T picked up one as well.
Always fun getting together with members of UPARC!

And members of other clubs as well.

We also saw Julie NF1T and her husband Scott (ham as well). Julie stumbled across a collection of Hustler antennas for $5 and was itching to get home to try them out.
The famous SPARCdogs were missing this time. Maybe next year.
Thank you to Fred Botero W2SUB for taking and providing photos for this post.