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Fall Picnic & Officer Elections

It was a bit humid for November, but it didn’t stop us from having a good time at the 2022 Fall Picnic & Officer Elections.

Photo by Fred Botero W2SUB

We were a bit remiss and capturing photos of the event probably due to all the socializing that occurred.

Photo by Fred Botero W2SUB

We met new friends and gained a couple new members in the process. The morning started with a fox hunt. It seems Jason N4BOZ and Jack N4KIN did a good job of hiding the fox as it wasn’t found. The annual business meeting was called to order by Jack N4KIN around 11:30. Everyone was welcomed, the voting process was reviewed and several announcements were made. Jason N4BOZ reviewed the monthly treasurers report. W2SUB provided an update on the ARRL Grant Application which was recently filed by UPARC. Fingers crossed!

Ballots were then distributed and voting began. After counting and verifying those counts, the results were announced. The chair entertained a motion to approve the results. With two approvals and no opposition from the floor, the Secretary recorded the results and we’d like to welcome the…

2023 UPARC Board of Directors

Let’s Eat! When the voting was completed Master of Grills Dee W4DCH started cooking hamburgers and hot dogs to go with all the sides and deserts brought by the members. There wasn’t a shortage of food at the event. Does that really every happen with radio people? After our meal those interested ventured out for another attempt to located the fox. Everyone came back again empty handed. I really didn’t think I hid the fox in a terrible location. After most people left and the remainder were cleaning up, a few members decided to go out one more time. Third time they were successful! The winning team of Steve Foy N4FOY and Delbert Voss KB8ONL and his wife on their return from a successful hunt!

The Winning Fox Hunt Team!

The Winning Fox Hunt Team (Photo by Jason N4BOZ)

We look forward to seeing you next time!

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