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Station Projects with UPARC

UPARC members stopped by the QTH of Tom NY4I on Sunday August 20, 2023 to get ready for Tom’s antenna raising in September. Work included assembly of the Mosley MP-33-NW beam antenna and some projects in the shack. Thanks to the work party including (alphabetically): Alan W4UB, Bob K1NLS, Fred W2SUB, Jack N4KIN, Olev KO4WUB, Rob WD4IFT, Ron W4RFA and Ryan AF4O.

The team watching the YouTube video on the MP-33-NW assembly [Photo by NY4I]
A few notable events included the beam assembly. Mosley sent the wrong instructions in the box so the team had to resort to watching a YouTube video to learn about the installation of the antenna.  The team setup saw horses in the living room to assemble the elements with Fred W2SUB checking the video on his phone. I should add that when I called Mosley the next day, they emailed me the right instructions. They were not available online when I looked on Sunday.

Alan W4UB and Fred W2SUB working on the beam assembly [Photo by NY4I]
Alan W4UB, Fred W2SUB and Rob WD4IFT working on the elements [Photo by NY4I]







The crew started at 10:00 and Denise, Beth and April went to Felice to pickup the 6 foot Italian sub and a dessert tray.

Lunch is served. Yes there are multiple colors of paint on the wall. The house was mis-painting.[Photo by NY4I]
Many thanks to everyone for coming over to help. This has been a long process to get the shack and antennas all setup. While it is not done yet, we are close to the end. Yet again, this serves as a great reminder on how much it helps your experience in this hobby to have an active club with people ready and willing to step in to help other members out.

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