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Why We Ask Club Members if you are an ARRL Member?

As you may know, UPARC is an ARRL-affiliated amateur radio club. This means we support the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and its mission to further the interests of Amateur Radio. UPARC was affiliated with the ARRL on August 10, 2012 shortly after our founding as a club.

So why you might be asking why we ask if you are an ARRL member? We ask to know if you are an ARRL member as ARRL-affiliated clubs are asked to maintain 51% of their voting members as current ARRL members. Hence you see on the sign-up sheet (and the club sign-up/renewal form) a question about your ARRL membership status. Please do indicate on the sign-up sheet if you are a member. If you have not made a meeting in a while, please send me a message via email ( or via Slack indicating if you are an ARRL member.

Now if you are not an ARRL member or are on the fence, please allow me to make my elevator pitch on why I believe you should become a member.

The ARRL has been the predominate supporter of amateur radio since the beginning really. Originally setup to organize relay stations across the country, its mission expanded into a general advocate for amateur radio. This is a non-exhaustive list of just some of the things the ARRL does for all hams (members or not):

  • The DXCC and WAS awards on your wall
  • W1AW code practice bulletins
  • Teachers Institute
  • ARRL Field Day and other contests
  • Advocating for hams as representatives on Capitol Hill
  • Spectrum Defense
  • QST Magazine and other publications
  • Logbook of the World (LOTW)
  • ARRL lab for equipment reviews

I realize that the ARRL is not everyone’s cup of tea. Some eschew any form of organization/bureaucracy and will state the ARRL does not speak for them. That may be true for some, but the services they provide to all hams help all regardless of how much one supports the ARRL. As you may be able to tell, I am a bit biased (full disclosure – I am a life member).

So indeed, I wholeheartedly suggest you become a member of the ARRL or continue to renew if not a life member.  And please be sure to keep the club up to date on your ARRL status.

More information on ARRL membership is available here:

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