The latest recipient of the President’s Award is Rob Bird, WD4IFT. Rob is a constant presence at the Get-on-the-Air (GOTA) team events as well as most club activities. UPARC greatly appreciates that Rob is always willing to help out others. He is a valuable member of the club and well-deserving of this recognition. Congratulations to Rob.
President’s Award – October 2024
Published in President's Award
Hello. I have been licensed since 1980. I am a founding member UPARC as well as a past-president and past club secretary. I am a Life Member of the ARRL as well as a member of the ARRL Maxim Society. Additionally, I am a life member of AMSAT, current president of the St. Petersburg Amateur Radio Club a member of the Clearwater Amateur Radio Club and a past-president and member of the Utah Amateur Radio Club. I hold 9 band DXCC covering 160 meters through 10 meters. I am also a member of the ARRL's A-1 Operator's Club. I mostly chase DX, POTA parks and dabble in contests both at home and with SPARC. I also work on the development of several amateur radio software projects including TR4W among other open source projects. I am a dyed in the wool Elecraft fan utilizing my K4D and KPA1500 for HF but also have more Icom radios than any one person should own. I also have a growing Begali key addiction that seems to keep growing.I also have a nice collection of older radios, Mac computers and HF 1500 watt amplifiers. Professionally, I own a software consulting company and have been involved in software development and IT continuous for the past 39 years.