Rob WD4IFT, Olev KO4WUB and Dee W4DCH pose in front of the UPARC Banner at Honeymoon Island State Park [Photo by W2SUB]On Saturday, April 20th members of UPARC met at Honeymoon Island to host our annual POTA (Parks on the Air) event. We had about 15 members and guests turn out and made over 80 contacts on SSB and FT-8. The team braved very heavy mosquito swarming early on to get setup and was on the air around 8:45 AM.The wind picked up a bit and blew away most of the bugs by 10:00. That and some very compassionate sharing of bug spray by those well prepared individuals helped us get to the task at hand.
One of the assortment of antennas available [Photo by KB4DSL]Vertical and portable dipole [Photo by KB4DSL][Photo by KB4DSL][Photo by AF4O][Using the light post to attach a mast for support [Photo by W2SUB]Ryan AF4O shoots an antenna rope into the park. [Photo by W2SUB]Ryan AF4O making some SSB contacts. [Photo by W2SUB]This year, thanks to Tom NY4I, we were able to turn in logs which gave credits to both the club callsign W4AFC and each individual operator’s callsign. This enabled individuals to obtain the “Support Your Parks Weekend” certificate from the POTA website for the contacts they made. [Editor’s Note – that is available to anyone running POTA where both the station callsign (W4AFC) and current operator get credit].
Julie works FT8. [Photo by W2SUB]Tim strikes a great pose or makes a contact [Photo by W2SUB]We had some guests who were heavily involved in all the activities and got on the air! Julie Yaeger who teaches at Countryside HS and was our contact for the classroom sessions last year was able to make some contacts and learn about the hobby firsthand. Her husband, Tim, also participated and made some contacts. In addition, we had a visitor who saw us from a nearby pavilion and come over to ask what was going on. This was a young man visiting from Colorado on his high school senior trip. We gave him the tour and a lot of contact information for follow-up. Hopefully, we recruited a future HAM there!
Thanks to all who assisted with the event and also to those who participated.