UPARC will again be activating Honeymoon Island State Park for a POTA activation on Saturday April 29th, 2023 starting at 8:00 AM.
Honeymoon Island State Park is POTA park K-1880 located at the end of the Dunedin Causeway. In case you have not been there before, there is a fee for each car to get into the park so carpooling with others would allow you to share the entrance fee. Pavilions are first come, first serve but we plan to get there early to grab a location with power. Ask on the club’s repeater (147.12 + PL 100 Hz) or on the club’s Slack channel. You can also look for all the antennas in the parking lot near the shelter.
We start setting up at 8:00 AM and operate until sometime in the afternoon. All UPARC members, family and guests are invited to come out and enjoy a day ay at the beach playing radio.
We will have 2 Elecraft K3 radios along with an assortment of portable antennas with SSB, FT8 and CW modes depending upon interest. Please bring along a pair of headphones or ear buds.
You should plan to bring any tools you may need, bug spray for mosquitoes, food and drink and anything you want to demo in your portable setup.
As this is a POTA activation, we will be calling CQ and you can work the pile-ups of stations calling us. That is always great fun.
We are keeping this simple so logging will be on paper and even if you have not operated before, we have plenty of help to get you working stations. We will operate with the club callsign of W4AFC–but the operators get POTA activation credit as well.
Come and learn, have fun!