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Posts published in “Operating”

UPARC in the Park Event – April 2024

On Saturday, April 20th members of UPARC met at Honeymoon Island to host our annual POTA (Parks on the Air) event. We had about 15 members and guests turn out and made over 80 contacts on SSB and FT-8. The … Read the rest

Winter Field Day 2024 Announcement

Do you like operating in the field but hate dripping in sweat while setting up antennas? Does the idea of enduring another Field Day constantly fighting off every mosquito in Tampa Bay make you wish they held Field Day in … Read the rest

Backyard DXpeditions

Recently Ryan, AF4O created a new channel in our slack group called #backyard-dxpeditions

The channel is dedicated to finding places in our own backyard to play radio, whether it’s POTA, IOTA or a community park around the corner. Check it … Read the rest

Why People Say “This Is” when Checking into a Net.

You may have listened to a local 2m net and heard people saying “This Is” before they give their call sign during check-ins. An alternative is they may say “Net Control” instead of “This is”. Plus there is the combined … Read the rest

POTA Activation at Honeymoon Island

On Saturday, October 29th, UPARC had a very fun day at Honeymoon Island activating two club stations and making over 150 contacts as a Parks on the Air (POTA) activity. We had a great turnout of club members along with … Read the rest

A Field Day For Hams

If you worked Summer Field Day last year you may recall a woman walking around with a microphone. That was Mary Beth Toole creator of a podcast called sonic earth expeditions. A Field Day For Hams has been posted. … Read the rest

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