Upper Pinellas Amateur Radio Club Incorporated
Meeting Minutes
September 3, 2022
Call to order at 10 AM
Jack welcomes meeting attendees to Fire Station 65.
Board members attending:
Jack (K4KIN), Alan (W4UB) (vice president), Jason (N4BOZ) (treasurer), Ron (W4RFA) (member at large)
Fred (W2SUB), Rob (WD4IFT), Mike (K4HN), Ray (W8RD), Olev (KO4WUB), Joshua (KO4VVX), Tim (W4OH), Bob (K1NLS), Gerry (WR6N), Ryan (KO4KGP), Ken (WQ3V), John (N4MMR), Charlotte (KO4WNK), Andrew (KQ4BXT), Richard (KO4TSO),
Karen Isak
Pledge of Allegiance.
Hats with the club logo, call-sign and handle are available from Alan.
Jason presents the Treasurer’s Report (slide):
The club sold the Kenwood TS-850S. Multi-year renewal of domain name W4AFC mentioned as future cost savings measure. Shelter #11 has been reserved at John Chestnut Park for November’s meeting.
Jack presents the Net Control Report (slide):
Mike reports the results of the license testing this morning, 2 new Extra class licenses were earned this morning and applause begins. QRZ is offering a free HT to new technicians until the end of October. Includes the RT programming cable and software.
Josh reminds us that the Boy Scout Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) is scheduled for October 15th and 16th. Radio merit badge will be awarded. Jack describes the club’s involvement as providing radios and Volunteer Examiners for the event. The club will provide the merit badges. Jack asks Josh to keep us informed of any additional details for the event. Jason will distribute a sign-up sheet prior to the event. Eastlake CERT will be participating per Josh and details are TBD. Testing will occur from 11 to 12 so VE’s need to be coordinated.
Fred announces that a UPARC-in-the-park is being planned for October 29th on Honeymoon Island. Ray has graciously agreed to secure a shelter (with power?) for this event. The UPARC website will be updated to reflect this new event. Discussion of events occurring in Oct/Nov timeframe supports this date per Fred. Alan reminds us that the date is flexible at this point.
Weekly club net every Tuesday and the monthly breakfast occurs on the 24th at “Another Broken Egg Café”.
Fred announces the Route 66 special event 10 Sept. through the 18th on all modes. See website for details. Teapot event mentioned as well.
Slack discussion led by Fred and described as a great resource. Access to this tool is by invitation and requires some understanding of Slack (this may need clarification to membership). Jack recommends that the club forum on the website be retired and replaced by Slack.
Fred provides an update from the nominating committee. Fred, Ron and Mike are members. All offices have candidates, but nominees are still welcome. A ballot will be required since 2 candidates are running for the same position. Next meeting in October will conclude the nomination process. Election process concludes at the November club meeting. Officers begin their term on January 1st. Fred will not be at the November meeting due to a scheduling conflict.
50/50 Raffle brings in 42$ and Olev wins the 21$ pot.
Fred asks that any available HT radios be donated to the club. The JOTA event will be an excellent opportunity to provide these items to new hams. Jack donates a 5-watt Baofeng radio to the cause. Club website will be updated with the details of this effort.
Fred presents “What is the ferrite stuff – ferrite 101” by Ward Silver N0AX.
Mike suggests that a presentation be done for the Vector Network Analyzer and Bob graciously agreed to present.
Minutes submitted by: Dee (W4DCH)
Next Meeting – October 1, 2022
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Jack M. Kinney, President Date