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April 2022 Meeting Minutes

Upper Pinellas Amateur Radio Club Incorporated

Meeting Minutes

April 2, 2022

  1. Call to order

Jack (N4KIN) welcomes meeting attendees to St. Ignatius of Antioch Parish church at 10 AM.

Pledge of Allegiance led by Ken (WO4V))

  1. Introductions

Board members attending:

Jack (N4KIN), Alan (W4UB) (vice president), Dee (W4DCH) (secretary), Jason (N4BOZ) (treasurer), Ron (W4RFA) (member at large)

New members:

Charlotte (KO4WNK), Josh (KO4VVX)


Ray (W8RD), Fred (W2SUB), Bob (K1NLS), KO4WV?, Mike (K4HN), Ken (KO4V), Carl (W1YTV), Ray (K9EYT), Ken (WQ3V), Gerry (WR6N), Rob (WD5IFT), Scott B (NONE), Ryan (KO4KGP), Dean (N0OAC/Zoom), Delbert (KB8ONL)


Jim Lynn, Unnamed Visitor

  • Officer / Committee reports

Meeting minutes posted by Jack (K4KIN) as submitted by Dee (W4DCH).

Treasurer’s report: presented by Jason (N4BOZ) for March:


Amazon Smile set-up reviewed with attendees. Proration of dues explained as well.

A volunteer for the “Club Net Committee” is requested by Jack (N4KIN). Fred (W2SUB) offered to help.

President’s report (W4KIN) for club net participation:

Club Net is now using the repeater for the rag-chew since some more distant members are unable to participate on simplex. Simplex is still used on the 1st net of each month.

Test session this morning resulted in a new Extra, a General and 5 Technicians. Mike (K4HN) ran the testing and provided the results as well as the details of the new fee schedule for FCC transactions starting the 19th of April.

Monthly activities are announced by Jack (K4KIN) to include the Tuesday night net and the club breakfast. A schedule is available on the website.

Mike (K4HN) announced that the SPARC club will be having a fox hunt.

Jack (W4KIN) will not be attending next months club meeting instead he be attending his daughter’s graduation from law school. A volunteer is encouraged to run the meeting during his absence.

UPARC in the park for April is briefly discussed and no definite plan but interest seems to be present.

The presentation schedule is briefly reviewed with attendees and participation is encouraged. Jason suggests a “Show-off-your shack” for next meeting. Pictures of your shack should be sent to Jason. As the pictures are shown during the next meeting a brief explanation of your set-up can be provided for discussion. Let’s keep it light next meeting.

Jack introduces the patch-panel project. The panel is required for the club to operate independently during field day events. Ryan (KO4KGP) shares pictures of parts acquired so far and plans for assembly. A roller Pelican case is discussed for the enclosure. A motion by Jason (N4BOZ) is approved to spend up to 250$ on this project. Alan (W4UB) seconds the motion.

Alan (W4UB) explains the use of the triplexer to share an antenna. The device has been donated to the club.

  1. Technical Presentations

Fred (W2SUB) presents test material as prep for license test.

Raffle is run by Ron (W4RFA)

Ray (W8RD) presents freeware HAMALERT

  1. Adjournment

At approx. 11 am meeting is concluded.

Minutes submitted by:  Dee (W4DCH)

Next Meeting – May 7, 2022

Mission News Theme by Compete Themes.