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January 2020 Meeting Minutes

UPARC Meeting Minutes January 4, 2020

Alan Streitman W4UB called the meeting to order at 10:00 am at Fire Station 65 in Palm Harbor and subsequently passed control of the meeting to Jason Esterline N4BOZ.

Jason Esterline N4BOZ reviewed the Club’s goals and core values.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Jason Esterline N4BOZ.

Jason Esterline N4BOZ presented the Agenda overview.

The new 2020 Club Board members and meeting attendees were introduced.


Secretary’s Report – Jeff deGrasse K4JJD stated the December 7, 2019 Meeting Minutes were posted on the Forum. Mike Branda K4HN moved to approve the meeting minutes, Jack Kinney N4KIN seconded the motion, and the motion was passed.
Treasurer’s Report – Jason Esterline N4BOZ presented the report.  The total income is $133.22, total expense is $75.85, and the total balance is currently $3,466.94.  Jeff deGrasse K4JJD moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report, Mike Branda K4HN seconded the motion, and the motion was passed.  There are 76 paid members.

Morris Ford generously gave the Club a $20 donation.

In addition to the Treasurer’s Report, Jason Esterline N4BOZ discussed the Club’s budget from a yearly perspective. The yearly income and expenses exceeded projections resulting in a break even situation.  The contingency fund is not growing. The Club is faced with additional future costs on the horizon such as HamWan, incorporation fees, text messaging expenses, and repeater expenses. This is leading the Club to increase all membership dues to $25 and will include a spouse or partner. A motion to allocate one vote to a membership was moved by Ken Shur KO4V, Karl Schulte WA2KBZ seconded the motion, and the motion passed. Tom Schaefer NY4I noted that bylaw changes will be required for family voting allocation which Jason Esterline N4BOZ stated will be folded together with the incorporation bylaw changes.

Jason Esterline N4BOZ presented a high level calendar of events for 2020 stating that this is a first cut view that can be altered as needed.

Technical – Jason Esterline N4BOZ stated the repeater is apparently running OK.  An issue was raised about the inability to reach the repeater from Race Track road.  Tom Schaefer NY4I stated the antenna was purposely set to avoid this area in order not to interfere with any Tampa operations. The Club still needs a home for D-Star repeater.
HamWan – Tom Schaefer NY4I stated that a defective cat 7 cable was replaced which improved the signal. He is interested in moving the antenna to a different leg and raising it ten feet higher. There is about 250’ – 260’ of cable. An EchoLink test is planned for 1/4/2020.
Club Net Status – Jason Esterline N4BOZ stated there were 5 nets for a total of 75 check-ins. A call for more net controllers was issued.
VE Testing – Mike Branda K4HN reported there were 4 VEs but no candidates at the pre Club meeting testing sessions.
Communications – Jason Esterline N4BOZ stated he has stopped sending text messages for the weekly nets to reduce messaging costs.
ARRL Winter Field Day – Will take place on January 25-26.  It was estimated that the Club’s cost for the Field Day to be $200.  Karl Schulte WA2KBZ motioned to approve that expense, Mike Branda K4HN seconded the motion, and the motion was passed.
Social and Events – Jack Kinney N4KIN stated the Breakfast Social will not take place this month due to the Field Day event..  He noted the weekly nets and stated the operator call sign logging training will be ending.
Youth and Community Outreach – Nothing reported.
Club Incorporation – Jason Esterline N4BOZ reported that we are making progress and am using advice to guide us through the process. The plan is to first incorporate, then obtain ‘not for profit status’, and finally become designated as a 501C3 entity.

Old Business – Nothing reported.
New Business – Steve Foy N4FOY announced a possible Technician license training class in the March or April time frame..

Technical Presentation – Tom Schaefer NY4I gave the Club a presentation that discussed the intent and purpose of field days and a demonstration of the N1MM logging software to be used during Winter Field day.

Jack Kinney N4KINconducted a 50/50 raffle that sold $73 worth of tickets. Bud won the raffle and graciously donated the proceeds back the Club.

The meeting adjourned at 11:23.

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