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June 2019 Meeting Minutes

UPARC Meeting Minutes June 1, 2019

Alan Streitman W4UB called the meeting to order at 10:01 am at Fire Station 65 in Palm Harbor.

Alan Streitman W4UB reviewed the Club’s goals and core values.

The Pledge of Allegiance was given led by Ken Martens WK4KM.

The Agenda overview was presented

The Club meeting attendees were introduced.


Secretary’s Report – Jeff deGrasse K4JJD stated that the May 4, 2019 Meeting Minutes were posted on the. Jason Esterline N4BOZ moved to approve the meeting minutes, Ron Appel W4RFA seconded the motion, and the motion was passed.
Treasurer’s Report – Glenn Panazzolo N4ESU prepared the report which was presented by Alan Streitman W4UB. There are 52 members. The total balance is currently $3,161.24. Jack Kinney N4KIN moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report, Jeff deGrasse K4JJD seconded the motion, and the motion was passed.

Technical – Alan Streitman W4UB reported that the repeater was running fine with the messaging turned off.
The repeater real time clock board and voice chip are to be replaced after the Club meeting which hopefully will fix the anomalous messaging issues. Jason Esterline N4BOZ encouraged the membership to utilize the repeater.
HamWan –Tom Schaefer NY4I reported that the antenna equipment test did not ‘see’ anything. There is a spot in St. Pete that may be workable. Participant’s time on this effort has been limited due to other project needs.
Club Net Status – Glenn Panazzolo N4ESU prepared the report which was presented by Alan Streitman W4UB. During the month of May 4 nets were held with 63 total check-ins. A call for more net controllers was issued.
VE Testing – Mike Branda K4HN reported one new Technician license was granted.
Communications – Jason Esterline N4BOZ stated that the Website is to be migrated to a new modern platform. The goal is to make additions easier, to increase flexibility, and to have plugin support. This is intended to be completed in July.
ARRL (Summer) Field Day – Weekly conference calls have taken place. 1,000 feet of coax cable has been acquired. The cable was cut to length, had connectors installed, and was tested. Field Day participants are encouraged to register early on the web site in order understand how much food to order.
Social and Events – Jack Kinney N4KIN announced the Weekly Trivia Net, the Summer Field Day June 22-23 and the dry run of the Field Day equipment on June 8. There will not be a Breakfast Social or a UPARC in the Park event this month due to Field Day activities. Steve Foy N4FOY reported 8 new technician licenses were granted as a result of the Technician license training class held in May. The Oldsmar Fire Station is requesting the class be taught tentatively for them on July 13 / 27.
Youth and Community Outreach –Steve Foy N4FOY noted the next JOTA event will take place October 20-21.
Old Business
Nothing reported.

New Business
Gerry, the Safety Officer for Field Day has requested additional help because one person cannot monitor the event by himself.

Upcoming Events
Next Club meeting will occur July 6 at Fire Station 65 at 10:00 with VE testing beforehand at 8:30.

Technical Presentation – Tom Schaefer NY4I gave the Club a presentation describing the logging software for Field Day.

Jason Esterline N4BOZ conducted a 50/50 raffle.
The meeting was formally adjourned at 11:42.

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