Upper Pinellas Amateur Radio Club Incorporated
Meeting Minutes
June 5, 2021
- Call to order
Jack Kinney (N4KIN) called the meeting at Fire Station #65 to order at 10:00.
Pledge of Allegiance
- Introductions
Board members:
Jack (N4KIN) (president), Alan (W4UB) (vice president), Dee (W4DCH) (secretary), Jeff (K4JJD) (treasurer), Jason (N4BOZ) (member at large)
New members:
Bob Daily (N3AUS), Shahn Michael (K3SM),
Tech presentation provided by Tom (NY4I)
Attendees (see Zoom log),
Dee (W4DCH), Ron (W4RFA), Bud (WO4K), Dean (N0OAC), Gerry (WR6N), Ray (W8RD), Alan (W4UB), Ken (WQ3V), Mark (KN4YQC), Dave (WA3YRE), Earle (KJ4WKJ), Carl (W1YTV), Jason (N4BOZ), Jack (N4KIN)
- Officer / Committee reports
Secretary’s report: Minutes for last meeting are approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s report for the Month of May provided by Jack (N4KIN) (see slide) Amazon Smile letter received with $25.46 due-in. Details of expenses provided. Currently we have 58 paid members.
Vice President’s report (Alan W4UB): Repeater functioning normally. HAMWAN has been restarted today. Tom (NY4I) has been notified of re-start. The Echo-link set-up can move forward once HAMWAN is working. Please use the repeater. HAMWAN will provide internet access for the club and as a back-up for the fire department’s EOC activities. Topography of network and future goals described by Jack (N4KIN), Alan (W4UB) and Jason (N4BOZ). Club net structure and results for May discussed (see slide). Net controllers are always needed. Update on HF antenna at fire station is that no decision has been made and inspection is still pending.
President’s report (Jack N4KIN): Club breakfast has resumed on the 4th Saturday of the month. 15 were present at “Another Broken Egg” on the 22nd. Field Day is occurring on June 26-27 at the Clearwater Fire Training Center. Monthly informal gatherings in the park for radio play will hopefully resume. Technical presenters are needed for upcoming monthly meeting so please volunteer. Laurel VEC license testing will resume next month. 50/50 raffle is next with $69 collected and 2 books donated. Ray (W8RD) wins and donates winnings to club. Ken (WQ3V) and Dave (WA3YRE) win books donated by Alan (W4UB).
Recent donations to club (see slides): “ICOM IC-9100” and a “Kenwood TS-570”
Field Day Expenses review and approval (Jack N4KIN): Cable protectors (2) will be purchased by the club to protect our investment in coax. Jason (N4BOZ) motions to approve $325 for Field Day expenses (see slide) and Ken (WQ3V) 2nd the motion. Motion passed by membership.
Results of Field Day survey reported by Jason. Collection of Field-Day requirements for food is due-out next week.
- Tech Presentation by Tom (NY4I): Summer Field-Day 2021
Dave (WA3YRE) offers his dipole antenna for Field-Day. Alan will confirm with Dave.
Dave (W8RD) suggests a special event be organized for the 100th anniversary of the Oct 25,1921 hurricane. POTA event suggested by Jack (N4KIN) to be held at a Honeymoon Island shelter. QSL cards mentioned for this event. Idea was well received.
New D-Star repeater update: Jason reports that about 56% of the respondents to survey “cared about” D-Star as a mode. Decision making is now required. History of D-Star within the club and area reviewed. A new location for the club’s D-star antenna is proposed at a Low-power radio station tower near Jason’s QTH. WZIG a non-profit FM station requires a donation of approx. $350 per year. Tower maintenance window (occurring soon) will provide a 1-week window of opportunity for antenna install. Jack (N4KIN) states that Tom (NY4I) will be providing equipment and coax. Jason restates club support survey includes a willingness to donate additional funds. This new service aligns well with the mission of the club and would serve the north Pinellas County area well. In response to a question about the current repeater budget, Jack (N4KIN) states that only the annual insurance is budgeted. The fire department provides free support for our VHF repeater. Jason (N4BOZ) states that expense last year included a tower climber to help us resolve an antenna issue. Ron (W4RFA) mentions that other clubs operate multiple repeaters and this would be considered normal expansion. Jason (N4BOZ) suggests that we present a number to the tower owner as a 1st offer. Ron (W4RFA) suggests adding additional donation be collected during normal dues collection. Tom (NY4I) has a relationship with Paul (WZIG) for many years. He is a friend of the club. Bud (WO4K) makes motion for board to proceed with offer and Earle (KJ4WKJ) seconds the motion. Membership approves motion. $360 per year is the amount agreed upon for an initial offer. Alan motions that we proceed with the offer. Jack (N4KIN) recommends that we consider any other expenses or “one-time fees” for this project. Jason (N4BOZ) describes again the short timeframe for the tower install. Email to membership for final approval and collection of donations for this “back-up” club repeater. Jason (N4BOZ) will present our offer to Paul (WZIG) and then we can proceed with planning and determination of any other costs. Jason will update membership with the results of the meeting before our next meeting.
- Adjournment
Jack’s (N4KIN) closing comments:
July 3rd is next meeting.
Jack Kinney (N4KIN) adjourned the meeting at approx. 11:30
Minutes submitted by: Dee (W4DCH)
Next Meeting – July 3, 2021