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June 2022 Meeting Minutes

Upper Pinellas Amateur Radio Club Incorporated

Meeting Minutes

June 4, 2022

Board members attending:

Jack (N4KIN) (president), Alan (W4UB) (vice president), Jason (N4BOZ) (treasurer), Ron (W4RFA) (member at large)


Ryan (KO4KGP), Mike (K4HN), Paul (WA2DSF), Ken (WQ3V), Tim (W4OH), Rob (WD4IFT), Ray (K9EYT), Rob (WD4IFT), Morris (K7LSV), Olev (KO4WUB), Joshua (KO4VVX), Charlotte (KO4WNK)


Karen Isak

The Luria family


UPARC meeting 6/4/22


Jack called the meeting to order at 10:00AM

Board & participant introductions followed the Pledge of Allegiance

Went through Officer Reports. Treasurer reported as of May 31st $8,222.50 in the club treasury. 58 members. 63 check-ins to the net in May. Repeater report by Ryan KO4KGP. Talked about EchoLink now being active. Mike reported 3 new techs from this morning’s test session.

No announcement from the floor

Next month’s presentation will be from Tim Duffy K3LR from DX Engineering showing his station.

The presentation for today is on Field Day. Jack explained background of Field Day and how we will be participating this year. He also described the radios that we will be using and a display of all the UPARC radios. Alan then gave a presentation of the antennas we’ll be using and what bands we will be operating on. Jack discussed logging. Fred then talked about education during Field Day. Ron talked about the food for the weekend.

50/50 collected $33.00. $16 went to Jack who donated it back to the club.

Meeting Adjourned at 11:19AM


Submitted by Ron, W4RFA


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