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June 2023 Meeting Minutes

UPARC Monthly Meeting Minutes For 3 June 2023

Fred Botero W2SUB called the meeting to order at 10:02.

Pledge of allegiance recited.

Board and member introductions.

June meeting minutes have been posted and approved as written.

Treasurer report – income $279.16, expenses $4.12, current balance $9,923.01. 60 paid out of 64 total

UPARC Members – Net Report – 78 logins for the month.

Repeater clock needs reset.

VEC report – 3 test candidates. 2 passed exams, I General and 1 Tech.

ARRL grants opening this month.

GOTA Committee (Alan Streitman W4UB) – No activity in May.

Fire Station EOC briefing complete awaiting date from Deputy Chief Breuer to present.

Hamwan – Ryan in possession of new equipment to be installed in Tampa.

Field Day committee zoom meetings continue.

June Events: Field Day – June 24 & 25, Lewis and Clark – June 3 to 18, Ships on the Air and POTA contest.

GMRS presentation – Drafted by Ryan presented by Jason.

Nano VNA – coming in July, Steve.

POTA activation presentation -July by Josh

Josh & Melissa Luria was recognized for his contributions and received the President’s award.

Gota Station new for Field Day this year.

Field Day dry run to be held on June 17 at the Clearwater Fire and Training Center at 0900.

Fred to conduct Field Day training.

50/50 results: Total $101 Charlette Luria won $50. Next club meeting on July 1.

32 meeting attendees.

Meeting adjourned at 11:35.

Fred Botero
Fred Botero W2SUB, President UPARC
Signed Electronically

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