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March 2023 Meeting Minutes

UPARC Monthly Meeting Minutes For 4 March 2023

Fred Botero called the meeting to order at 1002.

Pledge of allegiance recited.

Introductions were held.

Board and Officer Reports:

Secretary – Feb. meeting minutes have been posted and approved without comments.

Treasurer report – income $202.90, expenses $ 404.38, current balance $ 9338.91. 57 paid members.

Committee reports:

VE – Report provided by Ron Appel. 6 exam candidates, 1 Technician and 1 General passed.

Net and Webmaster – 67 check-ins for Feb.

Repeater – Tom Schaefer commented that clock has required adjustments.

Training – Steve Foy stated Technician classes were held on 18 Feb. and 25 Feb at East Lake Fire station #

57. Three Technicians passed the exam.


UPARC POTA scheduled for 15 April.

Tom Schaefer was recognized for his many contributions to the club.

Presentation: Mobile Communications by Ryan Rager KO4KGP

50/50 results: Total $80, Rob Bird won $40.

31 attendees.

Next Month’s meeting will be held on April 1.

April meeting presentations on “QSL system and logging” -Tom Schaefer and “Nano VNA” –Steve N4FOY.

“Meeting after the meeting” –Sonny’s BBQ

Meeting adjourned at 1205.

Parking Lot Demo of Mobile Stations was held

Mission News Theme by Compete Themes.