UPARC Monthly Meeting Minutes For 4 March 2023
Fred Botero called the meeting to order at 1002.
Pledge of allegiance recited.
Introductions were held.
Board and Officer Reports:
Secretary – Feb. meeting minutes have been posted and approved without comments.
Treasurer report – income $202.90, expenses $ 404.38, current balance $ 9338.91. 57 paid members.
Committee reports:
VE – Report provided by Ron Appel. 6 exam candidates, 1 Technician and 1 General passed.
Net and Webmaster – 67 check-ins for Feb.
Repeater – Tom Schaefer commented that clock has required adjustments.
Training – Steve Foy stated Technician classes were held on 18 Feb. and 25 Feb at East Lake Fire station #
57. Three Technicians passed the exam.
UPARC POTA scheduled for 15 April.
Tom Schaefer was recognized for his many contributions to the club.
Presentation: Mobile Communications by Ryan Rager KO4KGP
50/50 results: Total $80, Rob Bird won $40.
31 attendees.
Next Month’s meeting will be held on April 1.
April meeting presentations on “QSL system and logging” -Tom Schaefer and “Nano VNA” –Steve N4FOY.
“Meeting after the meeting” –Sonny’s BBQ
Meeting adjourned at 1205.
Parking Lot Demo of Mobile Stations was held