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May 2021 Meeting Minutes

Upper Pinellas Amateur Radio Club Incorporated

Meeting Minutes

May 1, 2021

  1. Call to order

Jack Kinney (N4KIN) called the “speedy version” meeting to order at 10:00.

Pledge of Allegiance

  1. Introductions

New members:

Board members:

Jack (N4KIN) (president), Alan (W4UB) (vice president), Dee (W4DCH) (secretary), Jeff (K4JJD) (treasurer), Jason (N4BOZ) (member at large)

Tech presenter Bob Heil (K9EID)

Attendees (See Zoom log for complete list)

Minutes for last meeting are approved as submitted.

  • Officer / Committee reports

Treasurer’s report provided by Jeff (see slide) 100$ moved from petty cash to the Achieva checking account.


Approx. 58 paid members however some are pending archive.


Vice President’s report: 61 logins to club net last month. Confirmed with the chief that fire station #65 is closed with no opening date anticipated. No decision has been made concerning the HF antenna at the station.

President report: Presenters for the tech presentations are still needed for July, August, September and December. Please contact me to schedule. Fire Station #65 remains closed due to the pandemic. License testing is available at the Clearwater Fire Training Center the 2nd Monday of each month from 7 to 9:30p. No walk-ins allowed so contact Mike Branda ( FCC is still on-track with adding a 35$ license fee.

  1. Tech Presentation by Bob Heil (Zoom “speaker view”).
  2. Adjournment

Jack’s closing comments:

June 5th is next meeting.

Jack Kinney adjourned the meeting at approx. 12:30

Minutes submitted by:  Dee (W4DCH)

Next Meeting – June 5, 2021

Mission News Theme by Compete Themes.