UPARC Meeting Minutes 5 Sep 2020
Meeting opened by Alan W4UB at 10:04 AM
Pledge of Allegiance
It was announced that our member Kevin Poorman, KV4CT, has passed away.
Agenda covered
Introductions of Board of Directors and attendees
Secretary – Aug meeting mnutes posted, approved by meeting body.
Treasurer – Jeff, K4JJD 72 members, balance $3,556.73. Waiting for Tower cimber to cash his $600 check.
Committee Reports
Repeater / Technical – Alan, W4UB, climber on 7/24 discovered bad connector on phasing harness. On 7/31, a new
connector was installed and repeater is back on the air. Total costs for 3 tower climbs $1050. Echolink is the next project.
Club Nets – Glenn, N4ESU – Total Aug check-ins 55.
Social Events – Jack, N4KIN – no events scheduled.
501c3 Incorporation – Ken WQ3V – State of Florida approved our status as a Florida Corporation as of 8/31. We next apply to the IRS for 501(c)3. Ken clarified for Tom Schaefer that we will be a public charity.
Nominating committee – Gerry, WR6N. Alan, W4UB, and Jason, N4BOZ, are ineligible to run for their current board positions. Any member wanting to join see committee.
Old Business – None
New Business – Steve, N4FOY points out our section manager, Darryl Davis, will not be running for office.
Tech Presentation – Using JTAlert, Jack, N4KIN.
Text Alert System – Jason, N4BOZ – used only for urgent matters. Text UPARC to 84483 to sign up.
Next Meeting – Alan, W4UB – October 3
Congress passed a law requiring a fee for new, upgrades, vanity and license. Proposed to be $50. Mike, K4HN, advises writing to your representative.
Any announcements? – None
Motion to Adjourn – proposed by W4UB, meeting adjourned at 11:09.