We’re back at the Fire Station starting with the June 5th meeting!
That said we’re going to attempt to have the meeting on Zoom at the same time for those who cannot make it or live out of town.
License testing resumes in July.
We’re back at the Fire Station starting with the June 5th meeting!
That said we’re going to attempt to have the meeting on Zoom at the same time for those who cannot make it or live out of town.
License testing resumes in July.
After a long cold winter of no Field Day events, we are happy to announce that Field Day 2021 is on! As has been our mode for the last several events, we will be operating Field Day with a combined club effort with the Clearwater Amateur Radio Society and the St. Petersburg Amateur Radio Club. The event is on June 26 and 27th, 2021 at the Clearwater Fire Training Center (1716 N Belcher Rd., Clearwater, FL 33765). The operating starts at 2:00 PM local time and runs 24 hours through Sunday. Setup typically starts at 8:00 AM on Saturday morning.
In keeping with current CDC guidelines, people that are vaccinated are free to attend with no restrictions. We … Read the rest
From fellow Hams in Dade City / Zephyrhills
June 12 7AM – 12PM
We will be starting back up our combined club breakfast with CARS & UPARC on Saturday, May 22nd.
We have a new place to meet since Bob Evans closed down. We will have our breakfast gathering at:
We will meet at 9am. In the side room!
Since this is our first time starting back up, we need to get a close count for the restaurant to be sure they have enough servers on duty.
Please text Ron W4RFA at 727-641-6620 with a count as to how many will be attending by Thursday, May 20th.
Jason, N4BOZ (UPARC Member at Large) has arranged for Bob Heil, K9EID to be our May Presentation!
“First licensed in 1956, Amateur Radio has been the foundation of my careers in the sound reinforcement industry as well as bringing high quality, articulate audio to Amateur Radio. Entering this great hobby during the best sun spot cycle helped me to focus on designing and building one of the first VHF SSB KW stations. Throughout the years, I have enjoyed designing many antennas, from the 128 element two meter ”J’ Beam array in 1960 to the latest – phased arrays on 40 and 75 meters. I enjoy all of the bands from 160 meters through two meters working my many friends and … Read the rest
The next monthly UPARC meeting is at 10:00 AM on Saturday April 3rd, 2021. This is an online Zoom meeting. Besides our usual reports on various club activities, we have a technical presentation on Node-RED presented by Tom NY4I.
Node-RED is an open-source technology created by IBM to help automate the Internet of Things (IoT). But since IoT is just controlling various pieces of hardware, Node-RED lends itself quite well to controlling ham radio gear. By creating graphical “flows”, nodes are linked together to talk to radios, amplifiers, rotor controllers, weather stations, web-based power switches, relays, etc. Most people install this on a Raspberry Pi but it can also run on Windows. Mac, Linux, etc. Through a set of shared … Read the rest
For more information:
The next club meeting is Saturday, March 6th at 10:00am.
PRESENTATION: Antique Radio Restoration by Dee, W4DCH
MEMBERS: Check your email for meeting details.
NON-MEMBERS: Send us a message here for details.
Laurel VE testing is unavailable until further notice.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the fire station is closed to the public.
Therefore, we hold virtual meetings using Zoom. A link to the Zoom meeting will be emailed to the membership. You can download the Zoom client from Zoom… Read the rest
Check out the summary of Winter Field Day 2021… Read the rest