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UPARC Special Event Station – N4H

To commemorate the hurricane, operators from the Upper Pinellas Amateur Radio Club will operate from Honeymoon Island State Park starting Friday, October 22nd to October 24th, 2021. We NEED operators, filling 24+ hours of operation will take people!

The callsign used will be N4H. Modes will be SSB and FT8. SSB frequencies are 14.265 and 7.265. Also for Parks on the Air (POTA) chasers, Honeymoon Island State Park is park K-1880.

Operating time is 10:00 AM EDT (14:00Z) to ~6:30 PM EDT (22:30Z) on each day Friday 10/22, Saturday 10/23 and Sunday 10/24. Setup will begin at 9am daily.

Operators/Local Visitors: Download Info/InstructionsRead the rest

HamWAN Update

The Repeater Team had a work session on the HamWAN environment after the September meeting. Below are a few updates:

  • HamWAN radio on tower is working.
  • Resolved issue where another HamWAN user was using our IP address.
  • Inquiring with the area HamWAN team about a point-to-point connection to Tampa. Would improved connection by estimated 10dB.
  • New Minix PC is very stable unlike the previous PC.
  • Currently router is a bit flaky. Will be replaced in next work session.
  • Current EchoLink interface is going to be replaced with improved model in next work session.

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UPARC in the Park

We met Saturday morning, July 17th.

We were a bit rusty and didn’t have the turn out we hoped for, but all in all, we had a good time! The following were onsite to take part:

Alan W4UB
Jack N4KIN
Ryan KJ4FXX & his young son Freddy (future HAM we hope!)
Tom NY4I

Three wire antennas were hoisted into the pines of John Chesnut Sr. Park (FKA Brooker Creek Park) adjacent to Shelter #11 by Alan W4UB, Dee W4DCH and Tim W4EKP. Here’s 2/3 of the antenna team doing nothing related to antennas!

Tom NY4I tried out his new Icom IC-705 making multiple SSB and CW contacts. If you’re familiar with the Elecraft KX3Read the rest

June Meeting Summary

On June 5th, we had our first in person meeting since Feb/Mar 2020! It was great to see those who attended! We tried using Zoom for those out of state or choosing not to attend in person. It wasn’t without some technical issues, but we made it work. Improvements to come for the next meeting!

Thirteen people attended in person, one of whom was Ray Dabkowski,W8RD. He visited our club and decided to join!

If  you did not know, Honeymoon Island and Caladesi Islands were once connected. It was called Hog Island until the 1921 hurricane cut a channel thru the island forming what we know today as Hurricane Pass.

We learned from Ray that the 100th anniversary of the … Read the rest

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