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Proposed Bylaw Changes October 2024

The following proposed bylaw changes were submitted for review at the October 2024 regular club meeting or UPARC on October 5, 2024.

These changes will be voted on at the November 2024 annual business meeting to be held on November 2, 2024. This is the annual picnic meeting as well which starts at 10:00 with the business meeting to begin at 11:00 AM (when voting will take place).

Here is the summary of each item to be changed. Full text of the current bylaw and text of the proposed changes are available in a PDF file available here.

  • Item 1: Publishing Board Meeting Minutes to the club website.
    Currently, board meeting minutes are available upon request. This clarifies that the board shall publish the board meeting minutes to the website as well as the club meeting minutes.
  • Item 2: Allow board members to authorize funds
    This allows the board to approve an expenditure of up to $500 between club meetings. This is a total amount that may be approved between club meetings.
  • Item 3: Authorize Electronic Meetings of the Board and Regular Membership Meetings
    This clarifies that board and regular meetings can be conducted electronically via Zoom, Slack Huddles, etc. It is solely to formally codify what the club was required to do during the pandemic. Florida corporations were allowed to conduct their meetings electronically at that time.
  • Item 4: Family Memberships Get One Vote
    This clarifies that if multiple family members are in the club, they just receive one vote. Put another one, if you pay once, you get a single vote, not one per person in the family membership.
  • Item 5: Allow Minutes to be Electronic
    Formalizes a practice where there is not an actual “book” of minutes as the club maintains all its records on electronic systems such as DropBox, Google Drive, etc.
  • Item 6: Move Annual Meeting to December and Reduce Nominating Committee Lead Time to 2 months
    Our current annual meeting is in November. This changes that meeting to be in December. It also changes the time for the nominating committee to operate to 2 months rather than 3 months.

Please plan on attending the annual meeting so you can vote on these important items. If you cannot attend, please request a proxy on Slack or email Tom at either or

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