UPARC has many avenues to stay in touch with your fellow members.
First and foremost is the repeater. The club operates a 2 meter repeater in Palm Harbor on 147.120 MHz + 600 kHz with a PL tone of 100.0 Hz.
You can contact the club on its Facebook page as well. Click here to access Facebook.
To receive URGENT messages: Text UPARC to 84483.
Another avenue for information is this website. But for interactive messages you have two options:
First is the club forum. That is a message board you can use to ask questions and to get other information. It also has a calendar. That is accessible by the link at the top of every page on this website called Forum.
Lastly, we have Slack. The club has several Slack channels for more instant communication with members. If you want to join the club Slack channel, send an email to slack@nulluparc.org for an invitation link. Or check the forum in the members area for a link. Non-members are welcome but we do not post the link here to keep spam to a minimum.