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Pinellas Emergency Operations Call for Volunteers

Who : Pinellas EOC / Clayton Parrott

What: Point of drop off for PPEs (Personal Protective Equipment)

When: Wed, Thurs, Friday, Maybe Saturday This week. 3/25-3/28 8AM-8PM

Where: An un-named Church in Tarpon Springs (To be announced)

Why: Pinellas County EOC is requesting businesses with Extra PPE equipment donate the equipment at one of 3 drop off points, North, Central, and South County. I was asked to contact Eastlake CERT and I also offered to ask UPARC if they wanted to volunteer for the North County site, hence this Email.

How: Business will be asked to drop off the equipment between 9am-7pm. This will be set up as a drive through drop off. Car drives up, volunteers will remove the equipment donated from the trunks of the car and the car drives away. Tarpon Springs FD will provide tents, ice and water. An Evaluation will be made on Friday as to whether to keep the site open or close it.

Clayton did request that people at risk of Covid-19 (Over 60, Immunosuppressed, Diabetic, or with Respiratory problems step back and the younger folks volunteer. Do not put yourself at risk – Pinellas doesn’t want volunteers in the hospital with this virus.

This is an urgent request as they are looking at Wednesday to start so we need to have responses ASAP.

Call / Text me (Kevin) with questions. 727-688-6419. I will interface with EOC to relay information.

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