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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

Proposed Bylaw Changes October 2024

Please review the proposed bylaw changes to be voted on at our annual meeting on November 2nd, 2024. Read more about it either on Slack or on the linked page.

We need at least 30 members present at the meeting for a quorum so please review that page as well for proxy info.… Read the rest

Winter Field Day 2024

For Winter Field Day 2024, UPARC returned to the Clearwater Fire Training Center with our friends at the Clearwater Amateur Radio Society. This year was surprisingly warm enough to host the event outside (all evidence to the contrary given our current temperatures).
We had the usual assortment of HF stations with the three Elecraft K3 transceivers and the Hex Beam with the triplexer. Two wire antennas rounded things out on HF for low bands. Both clubs were well-represented with approximately 40 people attending.

So how did we do? In total, we made 1149 QSOs. You can see a breakdown of the contacts including the actual log on our website here.

We only missed one section in the US and a … Read the rest

September 2023 General Meeting Recap

President’s Award

Jason Esterline N4BOZ

Jason received the President’s Award for the following:

    • Outstanding Service to the Club
    • Long Time Board Member
    • Contributor to all Club events

Congratulations Jason!






There were two presentations: Route 66 Contest Event by Fred W2SUB and QRP Demo, Show & Tell by Bill, KG4ZQZ of SPARC and Dee W4DCH of UPARC.… Read the rest

UPARC in the Park May 2022

On May 21st, The Upper Pinellas Amateur Radio Club held one of its UPARC in the Park events. UPARC in the Park is a mini-field day where we setup 1-2 radios, antennas and have some outdoor radio fun for a few hours. All radios used battery power at this event.

The event had two operating positions. Dee W4DCH brought his Icom 7300 to use for phone contacts. A 20Ah battery was used for power.

Morris K7LSV was doing FT8 on his uBITX v6 QRP rig with a mag loop antenna and at one point he did it under Tesla power!

Alan W4UB had hoped to run two different antennas. Unfortunately the SWR on one them was not respecting his “Band … Read the rest

Congratulations to the March License Test Takers

Congratulations to these new or upgraded hams. Well done!

Name Call Sign License Class
Joseph Nicolosi KO4VVV General
Joe Cook KO4YGR Technician
William Poe W9WEI Extra
Venkatesh Vurputoor KO4YGS Technician
Joe Hughes KM5CTR General

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