We met Saturday morning, July 17th.
We were a bit rusty and didn’t have the turn out we hoped for, but all in all, we had a good time! The following were onsite to take part:
Alan W4UB
Jack N4KIN
Ryan KJ4FXX & his young son Freddy (future HAM we hope!)
Tom NY4I
Three wire antennas were hoisted into the pines of John Chesnut Sr. Park (FKA Brooker Creek Park) adjacent to Shelter #11 by Alan W4UB, Dee W4DCH and Tim W4EKP. Here’s 2/3 of the antenna team doing nothing related to antennas!

Tom NY4I tried out his new Icom IC-705 making multiple SSB and CW contacts. If you’re familiar with the Elecraft KX3, it’s a similar concept with the addition of VHF/UHF. While scanning the bands he came across fellow hams and members of SPARC Julie NF1T and Lisa KC1YL. They were working Parks on the Air from Sawgrass Lake Park in St. Petersburg.

Jack N4KIN tried out UPARC’s Kenwood TS-570 and made a few SSB contacts. He tried to contact Glenn N4ESU (our Brooklyn Brother) but the bands had other ideas.

Ron W4RFA and Alan W4UB used UPARC’s Icom 9100 to make FT8 contacts.

As noted at the beginning, all in all, we had a good time and look forward to the next event! August maybe?