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Annual Picnic & Election a Success!

We hunted, voted and ate. Most importantly we saw some friends for the first time in almost two years. We saw Delbert and his XYL for the first time since 2019. We also met David who joined the club yesterday evening and is working towards his Technician license.

Described by Tom Schaefer, NY4I as the “first winter field day” the native Floridians hovered around the hot grill to stay warm in the damp 60 degree morning air!

Floridians hover around hot grill to stay warm in the damp 60deg weather!
Photo by Steve Foy, N4FOY

Steve Foy, N4FOY returned from the fox hunt victorious with a big smile and fox in hand.

Jack Kinney, N4KIN called the business meeting to order. The first order of business was to thank Jeff DeGrasse, K4JJD for his service as UPARC treasurer for the past 22 months. Jeff tendered his resignation as he and his XYL prepare to move to Michigan next month. We wish them the best of luck in their new adventure!

Jack then yielded to Ron Appel, W4RFA to begin the election. With the required quorum of paid members either present or via proxy the 2022 Board of Directors was elected:

The grill was fired up and Dee Hooker, W4DCH took command with hamburgers and hot dogs for all. Alan Streitman, W4UB smoked a 14lb beef brisket and there were plenty of sides provided by everyone.

If anyone has pictures from the event, please email them to!

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