President’s Award
Mike Branda KH4N
Mike is an Extra Class ARRL Volunteer Examiner. He has been serving the amateur radio community guiding hams thru the license testing and application process since 1994! If you’re counting that’s 29 years so far. He helps not only our club, but most of the amateur radio clubs in Pinellas County. He is a terrific ambassador for the hobby. Congratulations and thank you for all you do for the hobby Mike. Keep it up!

Winter Field Day
Fred W2SUB gave the group an update on the results of Winter Field Day. The UPARC and CARS teams did a great job with a calculated (not yet certified) score of more than 35,000 points. They also collected all of the bonus points possible. For more info: 2023 Winter Field Day Recap
6 Meters – The Magic Band
The technical presentation was provided by Ray W8RD who has a big passion for the 6M band. He’s discussed his experience with the band and how it has changes over his 60 years as an amateur radio operator. His presentation will be available on our website shortly.
Meeting after the Meeting
After a morning of updates on the club and learning something new, some of us head down the road to continue the fellowship over lunch at Sonny’s BBQ in Clearwater. We had a good time, ate good food and some (don’t tell the XYLs) may have even had an adult beverage or two. Anyone is welcome to join us so come on down after the general meeting!