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Posts published in “Meetings”

New 2025 Officers Elected and Bylaws Changed

At the UPARC annual meeting held at NY4I’s QTH on Saturday November 2, the new slate of officers/directors for 2025 was elected:

  • President – Ryan Rager AF4O
  • Vice President – Alan Streitman W4UB
  • Secretary – Fred Botero W2SUB
  • Treasurer – Ron Appel W4RFA
  • Member at Large – Jason Esterline N4BOZ

Having a quorum of 41 members (either in person or by proxy), with the 2/3 majority needed to amend, all six proposed bylaw changes were adopted.

Below are a few pictures of the event. Just UPARC members and guests enjoying each other’s company…

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Club Annual Meeting and Picnic 2024

Our UPARC annual meeting and picnic is on Saturday November 2, 2024 at Tom Schaefer NY4I’s QTH at 2836 Meadow Hill Dr North in Clearwater. Note this was previously John Chesnut Sr Park in East Lake but due to hurricane damage, the county canceled our reservation as the shelters are damaged. Note there will NOT be a fox hunt.

We start at 10:00 AM with the annual business meeting to take place at 11:00 AM. At the business meeting, we will cast a vote for the slate of officers. We will also vote on proposed bylaw changes.


If you cannot attend the business meeting, please request a proxy ballot … Read the rest

October 2023 General Meeting Recap

President’s Award

Karen Isak KQ4HNI

Karen received the President’s Award for the following:

Progression in Amateur Radio skills, outstanding attitude and great cookies!

Congratulations Karen!



We had a terrific presentation on Flex Radios by Michael Walker VA3MW from Flex Radio. Flex is a great radio with some terrific capabilities!

Club Business

Dee W4DCH, head of the nominating committee checked with those attending to see if there were any nominations from the floor for the officer elections. Hearing none, the slate was locked for voting at our November meeting at John Chestnut Sr. Park in East Lake.… Read the rest

June 2023 General Meeting Recap

President’s Award

Josh KO4VVX & Melissa KS4MOM Luria

“In recognition of your outstanding contributions and achievements in service to the Upper Pinellas Amateur Radio Club for the following:

Promoting amateur radio to scout organizations and organizing an outstanding JOTA event.”


There were two presentations: GMRS by Ryan AF4O and ARRL Field Day.

Meeting after the Meeting

After a morning of updates on the club and learning something new, some of us head down the road to continue the fellowship over lunch at Sonny’s BBQ in Clearwater. We had a good time, ate good food and the author cannot comment on adult beverages as he wasn’t there.… Read the rest

May 2023 General Meeting Recap

President’s Award

Ryan Rager AF4O

Has anyone known Ryan to not be doing Amateur Radio? Anyone? Ryan is always ready, willing and able to deploy for anything Amateur Radio related: Need help putting up a wire? He’s there. Need help pouring concrete for the base of your new tower? Done. Need to dig into something obscure. He’s there. He is always ready to help anyone when it comes to Amateur Radio. UPARC is fortunate to have him!

PS. We need to remind Ryan he isn’t in the Air Force any longer and doesn’t need to stand at attention!


Home Brew

This month’s presentation was all about things club members built themselves. Gerry WR6N started us off by showing us … Read the rest

April 2023 Meeting Recap

President’s Award

Alan Streitman W4UB

Need an antenna? Alan. Need a balun? Alan. Radio isn’t working? Alan. MARS mod your Icom 7300? Alan. I could keep going but it’s probably easier to list what Alan hasn’t done for the club or club members since he got his ticket and joined the club. Not one to sit still he’s always helping someone or working on a project. The author likely wouldn’t be on the air without him. Congratulations on receiving the President’s Award this month. Well earned!



What is a QSL? Why do you want to QSL? Who do you QSL? When should I QSL? When should I send a QSL? All important questions that could be asked about … Read the rest

March 2023 General Meeting Recap

President’s Award

Tom Schaefer NY4I

One of the founders of the Upper Pinellas Amateur Radio Club, Tom is an Extra Class operator who loves all things Amateur Radio. An Elmer who has helped the club and many of it’s members not to mention hams throughout the county. Congratulations and thank you for all you do for the hobby and for UPARC Tom. Keep it up!


March Mobile Madness

After all of the “business” stuff concluded, we moved on to a presentation about Mobile Installations presented by Ryan KO4KGP. We’ll steer clear of the rabbit holes but suffice to say Ryan has spent more than a little time working on his mobile install. From VHF/UHF to HF, WinLink, APRS, scanners … Read the rest

February 2023 General Meeting Recap

President’s Award

Mike Branda KH4N

Mike is an Extra Class ARRL Volunteer Examiner. He has been serving the amateur radio community guiding hams thru the license testing and application process since 1994! If you’re counting that’s 29 years so far. He helps not only our club, but most of the amateur radio clubs in Pinellas County. He is a terrific ambassador for the hobby. Congratulations and thank you for all you do for the hobby Mike. Keep it up!



Winter Field Day

Fred W2SUB gave the group an update on the results of Winter Field Day. The UPARC and CARS teams did a great job with a calculated (not yet certified) score of more than 35,000 … Read the rest


Without knowing the exact severity of impact Hurricane IAN will have on North Pinellas County we wanted to let you know that viability of having our meeting this Saturday is being evaluated at this time and we will formally announce a meeting, postponement, or even cancellation on Friday 9/30.

Aside from power outages and possible damage to our area, we also have to factor whether or not PHFD #65 will be accessible to us. 

We will send out notice both by email and SMS alert – so if you don’t receive those messages please text UPARC to 84483.  

STAY SAFE, HELP YOUR NEIGHBORS and monitor our repeater, W4ACS, and NI4CE if possible… Read the rest

July Meeting – Special Guest Presentation by Tim Duffy K3LR


Tim Duffy K3LR

Tim Duffy K3LR – Photo by DX Engineering  This month’s presentation is about the K3LR Contest Station — by our Special Guest Tim Duffy!  Tim has been an active contest operator for 49 years. He has hosted over 145 different operators as part of the K3LR multi operator DX contest efforts since 1992 – which have made over 800,000 QSOs… This is a presentation you don’t want to miss!

Zoom details available upon request – please use the Contact Page to request

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