Our next meeting is Saturday September at 10:00 AM. Please join us at Palm Harbor Fire Station 65.… Read the rest
We would like to thank Chief Maciuba for his support of UPARC over the past 5 years, and more importantly — his 35 years of service to the citizens of Palm Harbor. Alan W4UB, Kevin KV4CT, and myself attended his retirement ceremony as he passed responsibilities over to the new Chief.
He’s leaving big shoes to be filled, but I can tell you that bay at Station #65 was filled with great fire fighers in which he’s certainly had a big hand in developing.
THANKS CHIEF MACIUBA for all you’ve done for us, and Palm Harbor. Enjoy retirement, you deserve it.… Read the rest
One could not have asked for better weather. An old standard is that ARRL Field Day is the fourth full weekend of rain in June. This year, that axiom proved false as there was not any rain in site the entire weekend. Of course, this being Florida, no rain at the tail end of June means heat—and it was HOT!
Therefore, the antenna crew got an early start on Saturday June 22, raising the beam on the tall fire tower. The location was our now familiar Field Day site, the Clearwater Fire Training Center. The participants were members of the Clearwater ARS, the St. Petersburg ARC and the Upper Pinellas ARC.
With the beam installed, next came the sloper, … Read the rest