ARRL Field Day 2023 is in the books. This year we put up a lot of antennas and set up a lot of radios in some very hot and tough conditions to post a greater score than we achieved last year! In addition, we had some great food and learned a lot about being flexible in setting up our antennas when fire trucks were parked in our regular OCF dipole antenna spot.
President’s Award
Josh KO4VVX & Melissa KS4MOM Luria
“In recognition of your outstanding contributions and achievements in service to the Upper Pinellas Amateur Radio Club for the following:
Promoting amateur radio to scout organizations and organizing an outstanding JOTA event.”
There were two presentations: GMRS by Ryan AF4O and ARRL Field Day.
Meeting after the Meeting
After a morning of updates on the club and learning something new, some of us head down the road to continue the fellowship over lunch at Sonny’s BBQ in Clearwater. We had a good time, ate good food and the author cannot comment on adult beverages as he wasn’t there.… Read the rest
Registration for meals is now closed.
But you are still welcome to come out–just plan on bringing your own meals.
ARRL Field Day is a combined event to test our ability to setup radio communication under less than ideal conditions–think temporary antennas, generators and radio gear. Our event this year is a combined event with two clubs—the Clearwater Amateur Radio Society (CARS) and the Upper Pinellas Amateur Radio Club (UPARC). The date is June 24th starting at 2:00 PM until Sunday June 25th at 2:00 PM. Setup generally begins in earnest at 9:00 AM on Saturday morning. The location for all of this is the Clearwater Fire Department Fire Training Center at 1716 N. Belcher Road in Clearwater. Click … Read the rest
UPARC and CARS came together for a successful breakfast at Another Broken Egg Cafe in Clearwater. If you haven’t joined us before please think about it. We meet on the fourth Saturday of the month. Check this link for dates/times:… Read the rest
President’s Award
Ryan Rager AF4O
Has anyone known Ryan to not be doing Amateur Radio? Anyone? Ryan is always ready, willing and able to deploy for anything Amateur Radio related: Need help putting up a wire? He’s there. Need help pouring concrete for the base of your new tower? Done. Need to dig into something obscure. He’s there. He is always ready to help anyone when it comes to Amateur Radio. UPARC is fortunate to have him!
PS. We need to remind Ryan he isn’t in the Air Force any longer and doesn’t need to stand at attention!
Home Brew
This month’s presentation was all about things club members built themselves. Gerry WR6N started us off by showing us … Read the rest
On Saturday, April 29, 2023, UPARC members set out to Honeymoon Island State Park to operate in the field for a Parks on the Air (POTA) activation. Being a Florida State Park, Honeymoon Island is POTA park K-1880. Normally, this means we setup antennas and radios and sit back and work the pileups. But this day, the HF propagation gods took their time showing up. Initially, contacts were hard to come by on SSB. FT8 started off OK but 20m SSB was quite tough. But with perseverance, Team Luria (Charlotte KO4WNK and Joshua KO4VVX) made the majority of the SSB contacts with Olev KO4WUB and Rob WB4IFT making the FT8 contacts.
All total we worked 61 stations with 36 SSB … Read the rest
UPARC will again be activating Honeymoon Island State Park for a POTA activation on Saturday April 29th, 2023 starting at 8:00 AM.
Honeymoon Island State Park is POTA park K-1880 located at the end of the Dunedin Causeway. In case you have not been there before, there is a fee for each car to get into the park so carpooling with others would allow you to share the entrance fee. Pavilions are first come, first serve but we plan to get there early to grab a location with power. Ask on the club’s repeater (147.12 + PL 100 Hz) or on the club’s Slack channel. You can also look for all the antennas in the parking lot near … Read the rest
President’s Award
Alan Streitman W4UB
Need an antenna? Alan. Need a balun? Alan. Radio isn’t working? Alan. MARS mod your Icom 7300? Alan. I could keep going but it’s probably easier to list what Alan hasn’t done for the club or club members since he got his ticket and joined the club. Not one to sit still he’s always helping someone or working on a project. The author likely wouldn’t be on the air without him. Congratulations on receiving the President’s Award this month. Well earned!
What is a QSL? Why do you want to QSL? Who do you QSL? When should I QSL? When should I send a QSL? All important questions that could be asked about … Read the rest
President’s Award
Tom Schaefer NY4I
One of the founders of the Upper Pinellas Amateur Radio Club, Tom is an Extra Class operator who loves all things Amateur Radio. An Elmer who has helped the club and many of it’s members not to mention hams throughout the county. Congratulations and thank you for all you do for the hobby and for UPARC Tom. Keep it up!
March Mobile Madness
After all of the “business” stuff concluded, we moved on to a presentation about Mobile Installations presented by Ryan KO4KGP. We’ll steer clear of the rabbit holes but suffice to say Ryan has spent more than a little time working on his mobile install. From VHF/UHF to HF, WinLink, APRS, scanners … Read the rest