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April 2023 Meeting Recap

President’s Award

Alan Streitman W4UB

Need an antenna? Alan. Need a balun? Alan. Radio isn’t working? Alan. MARS mod your Icom 7300? Alan. I could keep going but it’s probably easier to list what Alan hasn’t done for the club … Read the rest

March 2023 General Meeting Recap

President’s Award

Tom Schaefer NY4I

One of the founders of the Upper Pinellas Amateur Radio Club, Tom is an Extra Class operator who loves all things Amateur Radio. An Elmer who has helped the club and many of it’s members … Read the rest

Why People Say “This Is” when Checking into a Net.

You may have listened to a local 2m net and heard people saying “This Is” before they give their call sign during check-ins. An alternative is they may say “Net Control” instead of “This is”. Plus there is the combined … Read the rest

The Joys of Being a Member of a Club

For those that may not know me, I have mobility issues. While I used to be able to climb ladders to work on antennas, drive ground rods and generally do my own work to setup my ham radio station, unfortunately … Read the rest

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