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Annual Picnic & Officer Elections

November 5 @ 10:00 am3:00 pm


Our Annual Business Meeting & Election is November 5th, and we NEED you to join us!  This will be a great time, at a beautiful park with great food, camaraderie, a little bit of official business, and a FOX HUNT!

First, please let us if you’ll be attending, how many in your party, and what you will bring for the potluck!  You can do that by filling out the following quick survey.

Next, IF you cannot make it, please return the Proxy via email or in person to any UPARC board member/officer as we need 1/3 of our membership present (or by proxy) to have a

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Jamboree-on-the-Air a Success

The Upper Pinellas Amateur Radio Club went to Lutz, FL to help Boy Scout Troop 12 participate in the 2022 Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA) event. We assisted with training, license testing, setup and operation of amateur radio equipment. The most important part was getting the Scouts on the air so they could learn about our hobby and work toward a Radio Merit Badge. Contacts were made around the US as well as Ireland, Germany, LY5A in Lithania and ZS6CCY in South Africa.

Here the Scouts were learning from Ryan KO4KGP about how a Satellite can be used to talk to different parts of the planet and even the ISS in outer space! The team tried really hard to make an ISS … Read the rest


Without knowing the exact severity of impact Hurricane IAN will have on North Pinellas County we wanted to let you know that viability of having our meeting this Saturday is being evaluated at this time and we will formally announce a meeting, postponement, or even cancellation on Friday 9/30.

Aside from power outages and possible damage to our area, we also have to factor whether or not PHFD #65 will be accessible to us. 

We will send out notice both by email and SMS alert – so if you don’t receive those messages please text UPARC to 84483.  

STAY SAFE, HELP YOUR NEIGHBORS and monitor our repeater, W4ACS, and NI4CE if possible… Read the rest

UPARC Elections – Board Member Nominations

From: Fred Botero W2SUB

UPARC members, it is time to solicit nominations or interest to serve on the Board of Directors for our upcoming election in November. As discussed in our recent meeting, the following people cannot run again for their current position per our Bylaws which limit the number of consecutive one year terms to two terms: Jack Kinney – President, Alan Streitman – Vice President and Dee Hooker – Secretary. However, these individuals can be nominated for and serve on different Board positions.

I have been selected as leader of the Nominating Committee along with supporting members, Mike Branda and Ron Appel. This committee must submit a slate of qualified members to the Board in the October meeting … Read the rest

Ken Martens – WK4KM – Services Announced

SERVICES: Ken’s interment will be at Bay Pines National Cemetery (10000 Bay Pines Blvd, St. Petersburg, FL 33708) on Friday July 29th @ 11:00am. A celebration of life with refreshments will be held at Dunedin Golf Club Restaurant (1050 Palm Blvd, Dunedin) immediately following.… Read the rest

July Meeting – Special Guest Presentation by Tim Duffy K3LR


Tim Duffy K3LR

Tim Duffy K3LR – Photo by DX Engineering  This month’s presentation is about the K3LR Contest Station — by our Special Guest Tim Duffy!  Tim has been an active contest operator for 49 years. He has hosted over 145 different operators as part of the K3LR multi operator DX contest efforts since 1992 – which have made over 800,000 QSOs… This is a presentation you don’t want to miss!

Zoom details available upon request – please use the Contact Page to request

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Detailed map of Field Day Site

For anyone that has not been to the site before, it is at 1716 N Belcher Road in Clearwater. We operate in the Clearwater Fire Training Center which is behind the fire house off of Belcher Road. This is just south of Sunset Point Road and north of the railroad tracks. Turn off of Belcher and follow the directions on the map below.

Come into the doors up the ramp and follow the signs. We are on the east side for the building. Setup begins at 8-9 AM and operating starts at 2:00 PM Saturday. Talk-in on 147.12 + 600 (PL 100 Hz). You can also email or call me at 727-437-2771 as a last resort if … Read the rest

Ken Martens – WK4KM, Silent Key (SK)

It is with great sadness to announce the passing of longtime member, and friend — Ken Martens. Ken has been with UPARC for many years, serving as Secretary for a year, and as part of the Net Controller Team until recently. Ken also enjoyed being an Old Goats Member on 3.910Mhz daily. He was always quick to offer help, advice, and a touch of humor to every conversation.

No services have been announced at this time, but full military honors are expected to take place at Bay Pines – we will keep the club informed as more information is provided.

Please keep his wife Cloyce, and their family in your thoughts and prayers.

73 WK4KM, we’ll catch you down the … Read the rest

Announcing ARRL Field Day 2022 – June 25th and 26th.

Deadline to signup to be guaranteed meals has passed. Feel free to attend but plan on bringing your own meals. 

ARRL Field Day is a combined event to test our ability to setup radio communication under less than ideal conditions–think temporary antennas, generators and radio gear. Our event this year is a combined event with two clubs—the Clearwater Amateur Radio Society (CARS) and the Upper Pinellas Amateur Radio Club (UPARC). The date is June 25th starting at 2:00 PM until Sunday June 26th at 2:00 PM. Setup generally begins in earnest at 9:00 AM on Saturday morning. The location for all of this is the Clearwater Fire Department Fire Training Center at 1716 N. Belcher Road in Clearwater. Click hereRead the rest

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