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Bylaws Update

On 7/4/20 the membership voted to accept the bylaws revisions necessary to become a Not-For-Profit Corporation, 22 in favor, 0 against. The first step in this process is incorporation in Florida. Thanks to all that contributed to the successful accomplishment of this milestone. Ken WQ3V will now begin the process of getting the paperwork in order for filing with the state.

The committee and board have been hard at work on the Bylaw revisions necessary to become a Not-For-Profit Corporation. We ask that you review our current bylaws, the proposed bylaws, and the reference chart at the link below. President Alan Streitman will go over these with us during our monthly meeting on 6/6. the rest

Virtual Meeting for June

The next club meeting is Saturday, June 6 at 10:00am.

Laurel VE testing is unavailable until further notice.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the fire station is closed to the public.

Therefore, we’re holding virtual meetings using Zoom. A link to the Zoom meeting will be emailed to the membership. You can download the Zoom client from Zoom

Tech Presentation: Show Your Shack

MEMBERS: Check your email for meeting details.
NON-MEMBERS: Send us a message here for details.Read the rest

Virtual Meeting for May

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the fire station is closed to the public.  Rather than not having our monthly meetings, we’ve decided to have them virtually until things resume to normal and it is safe again.

Our monthly club meeting is Saturday May 2 at 10:00am. A link to the Zoom meeting will be emailed to the membership. There will NOT be any testing beforehand. We will have a full agenda, as well as a tech presentation: Getting Started with FT8, N4KIN

MEMBERS: Check your email and/or the UPARC Forum for meeting details.
NON-MEMBERS: Send us a message here for details.Read the rest

Virtual Meeting for April

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the fire station is closed to the public.  Rather than not having our monthly meetings, we’ve decided to have them virtually until things resume to normal and it is safe again.  Please disregard any previous notices that stated otherwise.

Our monthly club meeting is next Saturday at 10:00am. There will NOT be any testing beforehand. We will have a full agenda, as well as a tech presentation.

There are a few ways in which you can join us (below), we recommend joining via a PC or MAC – however you can use a phone or tablet, or call in for audio only.  The best experience will be to have video as there will be a Read the rest

Pinellas Emergency Operations Call for Volunteers

Who : Pinellas EOC / Clayton Parrott

What: Point of drop off for PPEs (Personal Protective Equipment)

When: Wed, Thurs, Friday, Maybe Saturday This week. 3/25-3/28 8AM-8PM

Where: An un-named Church in Tarpon Springs (To be announced)

Why: Pinellas County EOC is requesting businesses with Extra PPE equipment donate the equipment at one of 3 drop off points, North, Central, and South County. I was asked to contact Eastlake CERT and I also offered to ask UPARC if they wanted to volunteer for the North County site, hence this Email.

How: Business will be asked to drop off the equipment between 9am-7pm. This will be set up as a drive through drop off. Car drives … Read the rest

Weekly Net Resumes March 24 on East Lake CERT Repeater

Due to ongoing issues with the repeater behaving erratically, our club weekly net is moving to the East Lake CERT 70 cm repeater (W4ELC) that operates on a frequency of 442.800 Mhz with a PL tone of 146.2 Hz.
Our repeater team is actively working on the problem and determined that the W4AFC antenna system is at fault. We are doing our best to schedule a tower climber to work on the antenna during these difficult times.

Please use simplex 146.575 for local communications.

The UPARC Board… Read the rest

Winter Field Day 2020

Another Winter Field Day has come and gone (more than a few weeks ago due to my belated report). The weather was mild if not just a tad cold at night (for us Floridians anyway). The now annual combined Winter Field Day effort between the Clearwater ARS, St. Petersburg ARC and Upper Pinellas ARC took place the weekend of January 25 at the Clearwater Fire Training Center.

So how did we do?

Our total numbers of contacts was above 1200 making for the most we have made from this site in a Field Day (Winter or Summer). The total points of 19788 were sent in at the end of February with the results typically released about 4 months later. We … Read the rest

Repeater Status Page

March 24, 2020

We are working with local tower repair companies to schedule a climber, however have been impacted by the Corona Virus.

March 18, 2020

Alan W4UB visited the site and upon checking the antennas with an antenna analyzer, it shows a VSWR of 6.9:1. Alan double checked the hardline at the repeater end connector to no avail it appears we will be scheduling time with a tower climber to determine if we have a coax issue or antenna issue.

March 17th, 2020

Dave Shuey WA3VRE did extensive bench testing of the Kenwood repeater and it is working fine. Debugging continues to the next pieces in the chain (duplexers, coax and antennas).

March 9, 2020

Lady Luck is not … Read the rest

On the Air Magazine

The second issue of the ARRL’s new On the Air magazine is available to all ARRL members online. Click here for more information and to access the latest issue. While you may think you are an old hand that cannot learn anything new, so far both issues have been interesting. It is also good to read to know the types of things appealing to newer hams.

If you are not an ARRL member, please consider joining. It is our national amateur radio organization that provides many services plus advocacy on many issues regarding the various commercial interests with eyes on more and more radio spectrum. New ARRL members can choose to receive On The Air or QST. I would … Read the rest

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