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UPARC in the Park May 2022

On May 21st, The Upper Pinellas Amateur Radio Club held one of its UPARC in the Park events. UPARC in the Park is a mini-field day where we setup 1-2 radios, antennas and have some outdoor radio fun for a few hours. All radios used battery power at this event.

The event had two operating positions. Dee W4DCH brought his Icom 7300 to use for phone contacts. A 20Ah battery was used for power.

Morris K7LSV was doing FT8 on his uBITX v6 QRP rig with a mag loop antenna and at one point he did it under Tesla power!

Alan W4UB had hoped to run two different antennas. Unfortunately the SWR on one them was not respecting his “Band … Read the rest

Congratulations to the March License Test Takers

Congratulations to these new or upgraded hams. Well done!

Name Call Sign License Class
Joseph Nicolosi KO4VVV General
Joe Cook KO4YGR Technician
William Poe W9WEI Extra
Venkatesh Vurputoor KO4YGS Technician
Joe Hughes KM5CTR General

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UPARC Website Alerts in Slack

I was asked if there was a way to be notified in Slack when something new is posted to Ask and ye shall receive. Any new Pages, Post or Events added to will send an alert to the #general channel. Thanks to Dee W4DCH for the suggestion!… Read the rest

UPARC in the Park Event Registration

UPARC In The Park LogoThink of Field Day but smaller and less formal. Typically we have a single radio powered by battery with a wire antenna. We operate for a few hours and call it a day. If we’re in a Florida State Park we activate POTA. If we’re at Honeymoon Island State Park we can even activate IOTA.

Please complete the form to register:… Read the rest

Congratulations to our February License Test Takers

Those below either became new Hams or upgraded their licenses. Great job!

Dawn O Rosenlund, KO4WNI Technician
William Schaefer, KO4WNJ Technician
Joshua Luria, KO4VVX General
Charlotte Luria, KO4WNK Technician
Jackson Kotch, KO4WNL Technician
Michael E Harris, KO4WNM Technician
Doug Adams, KO4VVW General… Read the rest

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