Sunrise over the tall tower with the Hex Beam [Photo by N4BOZ]For Winter Field Day 2024, UPARC returned to the Clearwater Fire Training Center with our friends at the Clearwater Amateur Radio Society. This year was surprisingly warm enough to host the event outside (all evidence to the contrary given our current temperatures).
We had the usual assortment of HF stations with the three Elecraft K3 transceivers and the Hex Beam with the triplexer. Two wire antennas rounded things out on HF for low bands. Both clubs were well-represented with approximately 40 people attending.
So how did we do? In total, we made 1149 QSOs. You can see a breakdown of the contacts including the actual log on our website here.
We only missed one section in the US and a few Canadian sections.
Here are some pictures contributed by various people. The caption attributes the picture. See you at Summer ARRL Field Day…
View of the site from the tall tower [Photo by W2SUB]Steve N4FOY mentoring new operators [Photo by W2SUB]Jeff NE4C operating and Jason N4BOZ logging [Photo by W2SUB]Ron WB4IFT operating and Linda VA3LJB logging [Photo by W2SUB]Jason N4BOZ sending a WinLink message [Photo by W2SUB]Installing the satellite station antennas [Photo by W2SUB]
Hello. I have been licensed since 1980. I am a founding member UPARC as well as a past-president and past club secretary.
I am a Life Member of the ARRL as well as a member of the ARRL Maxim Society. Additionally, I am a life member of AMSAT, current president of the St. Petersburg Amateur Radio Club a member of the Clearwater Amateur Radio Club and a past-president and member of the Utah Amateur Radio Club.
I hold 9 band DXCC covering 160 meters through 10 meters. I am also a member of the ARRL's A-1 Operator's Club. I mostly chase DX, POTA parks and dabble in contests both at home and with SPARC. I also work on the development of several amateur radio software projects including TR4W among other open source projects.
I am a dyed in the wool Elecraft fan utilizing my K4D and KPA1500 for HF but also have more Icom radios than any one person should own. I also have a growing Begali key addiction that seems to keep growing.I also have a nice collection of older radios, Mac computers and HF 1500 watt amplifiers.
Professionally, I own a software consulting company and have been involved in software development and IT continuous for the past 39 years.